About me: Daniela Schaefer

As an interior designer, I have been dealing with living and working environments of all kinds for over 20 years..

Daniela Schaefer: Interior designer and master of authentic - traditional Feng Shui

Daniela Schaefer

In addition to design, planning and furnishing, the focus today is increasingly on optimizing the use of space. "Efficiency of living space" is a recurring theme in my inquiries. But I think efficiency is not everything and there is much more that is worth striving for.

Feng shui crossed my path from time to time in the course of this work. For a long time, I dismissed it as spiritual hocus-pocus. But I quickly had to revise this attitude when I started to look into it more closely. It is an empirical science with roots going back more than 3,500 years. That's why I decided to train as a certified Feng Shui consultant in authentic - traditional Feng Shui and then further deepened my knowledge until I completed my master's degree.

A Feng Shui consultation requires a very analytical, precise and profound way of working, which are also basic requirements in my work as an interior designer and planner.

By combining my work as an interior designer with the teachings of Feng Shui, I not only design the surrounding space, but can also calculate its inherent energies. This enables me to resolve disturbances and align the energy in such a way that the occupants/users are optimally supported in their personal, energetic needs, while at the same time incorporating my many years of professional experience.

I love working with my clients to design their new living environment. It doesn't matter whether the project is the current apartment, the house, the working environment, or a new building or renovation project. For a Feng Shui consultation, I also look at your private and professional environment in order to provide you with holistic support. That's why confidentiality and trust are my top priorities.

Let's start your project together and breathe energy and life into your four walls.

I look forward to getting to know you and your project
Best regards
Daniela Schaefer

Training and further education

Where do I offer my Feng Shui advice?

I offer my Feng Shui advice within a radius of 200 km from the south of Munich.

These include, for example, cities and towns such as Grünwald, Pullach, Starnberg, Tegernsee, Regensburg, Ingolstadt, Nuremberg, Deggendorf, Passau and many others.

I also offer Feng Shui advice nationally and internationally for special projects.

my Feng Shui advice